Dubai construction companies ordered to use only green cement

Dubai builders must now use green cement to build new buildings. This initiative comes from the authorities and aims to protect the environment and reduce greenhouse gas emissions..

New legislation is forcing all companies to use eco-friendly cement for new construction. The cement was developed in Germany three years ago. A special feature of this German cement is the production method — optimized recycled materials are used. This reduces the consumption of natural raw materials, water and energy, as a result, emissions are reduced and construction becomes more sustainable..

It is worth paying tribute to this cement — it is also stronger than ordinary Portland cement..

The law came into force and has been in effect since the beginning of the month. All new construction sites will be checked for the use of green cement. If companies do not comply with the requirements of the law, then they will be fined, and construction will be stopped. Moreover, the authorities note that companies may revoke their construction licenses..