5 reasons why your designer of an apartment or house project says no to you

When you work with an architect or apartment house project designer, you can put a lot of your ideas into the work — this is logical, considering that you are the one who will ultimately live in the created interior.. But even if your satisfaction is your contractor’s top priority, there are still times when you will be turned down. Years of training and experience means your designer knows best; if he says something cannot or should not be done, there is probably a good reason. Here are the 5 most popular reasons for rejection.

1. You will blow up your budget

Any good architect and designer asks about your budget at the first meeting. This gives him an idea of ​​how much to spend per square meter of renovation. This, in turn, affects the decoration, the work of the builders, the architectural features, and so on. Knowing how much these or those works cost, the master will refuse you some of them, knowing that he will not be able to fit them into your budget in any way without sacrificing something else. It is as if you fabulously wished for a pool, but the main purpose of the renovation was to renew the facade and build a terrace. If an experienced builder realizes in advance that both cannot be done well within the framework of your budget, then he must tell you about it. The fact is that the client often miscalculates the cost. He sees the price of the pool and sees the price of the deck boards, adds up the amounts and gets the budget he can afford. But building a pool is more than just a bowl of a pool — it is a large-scale complex of work that requires investment. In addition, to make the pool look beautiful, it needs to be decorated accordingly, and this is also a budget line. The situation is the same with every detail of interior decoration: from decorating floors with expensive porcelain stoneware to installing ceramic tiles and underfloor heating; from bathroom decoration with ceramic tiles from an Italian manufacturer with an acrylic bathtub to choosing whitewash with the installation of an expensive cast-iron bathtub. In general, you will need to decide if you want to change your budget or make compromises..

2. You don’t follow the norms

The laws have strict codes that limit what can and cannot be built on your site and even in your apartment. Codes often restrict redevelopment in apartments, exterior decoration of houses and anything related to impact on the ground and underground sources. When your dream renovation doesn’t match the code, your architect’s hands are tied.

3. You have chosen the wrong building materials

The internet is great for gathering ideas for inspiration, but it is not always clear from the pictures why a builder or homeowner made a particular choice of style and materials. In most cases, architects and designers choose materials for protection, local, profitable, or climate-specific — materials that may or may not be needed in your design. Choosing the wrong materials based on inspirational pictures from Pinterest can be not only an expensive decision for you, but also an unsustainable decision for your home. Trust your architect and designer to choose materials that will work well where you live.

4. It’s outside your contract.

Asking for extensive design changes and redesigns without first redesigning your contract is often not possible. Make sure you clearly understand what is included and not included in your design contract.

5. There is a better way

There’s a reason you hired a qualified architect-designer to design and decorate your home — their knowledge. Take advantage of that person’s experience and education by allowing them to come up with solutions. Sometimes your idea gets rejected because there is an easier, faster, more economical, or more efficient way to create what you want. Do not take this as the desire of a specialist to go «their own way».

While you will definitely have the lion’s share of inputs to your home’s design, have your architect listen to your wishlist and understand your lifestyle. Then, step back and watch the architectural magic happen. More often than not, your designer will be able to come up with a few unexpected solutions that you never knew existed. Trust them and you will get the best option in the end.

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